Claitman takes many factors into consideration when selecting an HVAC system that will best meet the needs of each specific project. From occupant comfort to indoor air quality and serviceability to specific codes and standards, Claitman insures that the system implemented meets your requirements.
In addition to temperature, other factors come into play, such as humidity, ventilation, pressurization, noise and vibration, all of which must be controlled to provide optimal conditions for people, equipment and valuable property. Claitman takes all these factors into consideration before selecting a system.
Claitman has experience designing HVAC systems that address a multitude of design aspects, such as:
• Central chiller and boiler plants
• General space HVAC and Ventilation Systems
• Chilled, hot water and steam systems
• Code review/analysis
• Industrial ventilation systems
• Industrial process piping systems
• Industrial heating systems
• HEPA filtration/cCEAn rooms
• Infection isolation environments
• Sound attenuation​